1. Not knowing if your jobs are profitable.

You have a great team and they do great work but identifying if your jobs are profitable takes time and can be very difficult.


As you don’t have easy access to data associated with the amount of time that your team spends and the costs associated with your jobs, you cannot easily identify whether your jobs are profitable or not.

  1. Unable to analyse your jobs.

With everyone on your team quite busy and not having any useful data associated with your jobs it is very difficult to analyse your jobs at all.


Because you don’t have the right data at the right time that identifies speed, accuracy, work in progress and how effective your team are, you cannot analyse your jobs effectively.

  1. It is difficult scheduling your teams.

With your team very busy and the amount of work that comes through your workshop and without having the right information at hand it is difficult to schedule your team when new jobs come into the workshop.


Because you don’t have the data that allows you to identify who has been working on what jobs, the time it takes on your processes, an understanding of the capacity of your workshop and how busy your team are, you are constantly juggling your team across your jobs to try and meet your deadlines.

The Solution:

Put the right systems in place, record the right information and find the profit in every job.

Key Elements for Software in Manufacturing:

  • Allow you to track the jobs, projects and/or sales that you are working on

  • Provides metrics that will assist in your decision making

  • Easy to use and navigate

  • Know how busy your team is, and what they are working on

  • Allow you to provide massive customer satisfaction

  • Knowing when you will be paid for the work that gets done

  • Works for your business and not against it

Published On: February 17th, 2023 / Categories: Uncategorized /

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