Making a change to your current software may look like a hard step to take, but not taking it will continue to impact negatively on your business until you do so. There will be challenges with any changes to your software, just like any other change within your business, but these changes will be temporary and are designed to improve the processes and capability of your team moving forward. Whereas not making changes will continue to be an issue.

The real cost of doing nothing is usually hidden because we are not prepared to take it into consideration. By doing nothing you are allowing your business to just roll along, but it is rolling along without a great deal of control from you, because your software is not up to the standard that it should be.

Your competition is not standing still, they are making the decisions to grow their business and their market share based on accurate data within well maintained and used software solutions that meet the needs of their business.

Let’s see an example…

Write down your answers to the following questions:

Question Example
A. How many employees are likely to be affected by not making changes in your organisation? 8
B. On average, how much non-productive time is spent per week by each employee reacting to current circumstances – or on incorrect decisions, speculating, chasing information, waiting for people etc? 4
C. How many weeks has this been going on for? 40
D. How many weeks will it continue for, if you do nothing? 104

Then use your answers in the following formulae:

Question Example
1. The number of hours lost so far: a x b x c = x 8 x 4 x 40 = 1280
2. The number of additional hours that could be lost in future: a x b x d = y 8 x 4 x 104 = 3328
3. How much it could be costing you financially: (x + y) x average employee hourly rate (1280 + 3328) x $30.00 = $101,120

Total cost of doing nothing in this example is $101,120

Published On: November 25th, 2022 / Categories: CRM /

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